
With a strong background in public administration and service, I am currently serving as a Research Conflict of Interest Coordinator at Virginia Tech’s Office of Scholarly Integrity and Research Compliance. My professional journey has equipped me with a diverse skill set, having previously worked as a Research Technology Compliance Analyst and a Graduate Student Worker at West Virginia University’s Research Office. Additionally, my internship experiences at the Monongalia County Health Department Threat Preparedness Program and the Region I Planning and Development Council broadened my public sector skill set.

Beyond my academic and professional endeavors, I am committed to community service, having dedicated my summers from 2018 to 2020 to AmeriCorps Energy Express and I currently serve with the Blacksburg Volunteer Rescue Squad. These experiences reflect my passion for public service and my eagerness to making a positive impact in my community.

One of my passions is emergency medical services in rural communities, particularly in West Virginia. I am dedicated to providing information to county leaders and other stakeholders as they navigate these challenges in their areas. My goal is to support them with practical insights, resources, and other helpful information.